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* Help System is automatically installed with the program
- SeismoMatch Help System (English version)
- SeismoApps Technical Information Sheet
- SeismoApps 16page Leaflet
- SeismoApps 4page Leaflet
Video Tutorials
Product Updates
Below, please find an overview of the improvements and new features introduced in SeismoMatch over the years; do familiarise yourself in particular with those introduced in this latest release.
- Minor bug fixes
- New feature to export the spectra of the generated time-histories to a text file
- Better memory management that allows for the matching of the spectra even at very low periods (as low as 0.001 sec)
- Minor bug fixes
- Support for the UBC 1997 and the National Building Code of Canada (2015) code-based spectra
- Minor bug fixes
A bug in the calculation of the A95 parameter is fixed.
Minor bug fixes.
New features
1. Support for ASCE 7-16 response spectrum
2. National Annexes of Eurocode available in the definition of the Eurocode 8 spectra
3. Support for the ESM format for opening accelerograms
New features
Support for the Korean, Romanian and Australian Code Based Spectra.
Bug fixes
Some minor bug fixes.
New features
1. Support for 26 Code Based Spectra including the spectrum of Eurocode 8, ASCE 41 13 and other Regulations worldwide
2. Introduction of a new spectral matching wavelet algorithm
3. Support for the .eq files output by the SHAKE software for opening accelerograms
New features
1. Connection to the most well-known on-line earthquake record databases
2. Support for the SMC and the PEER NGA formats for opening accelerograms
3. Easier opening of the record files with automatic detection of the end of file
4. Ability to save and load the plot settings in the post-processor plots, which makes very easy the exportation of the format of one graph to the others
Bug fixes
Several minor bug fixes.
Minor updates and bug fixes
1. Updated the set of exemplificative accelerograms included with the program
2. Changed the default value of the first and last line in the ‘Input Parameters’ dialog box
3. Corrected bug which was allowing records not selected for matching to then be considered in the computaton of response spectra of matched records
4. Corrected bug by which non-converged matching processes were being labelled as having converged
5. Rendered more evident and unambiguous to the user which units are to be used and then considered in the analyses
6. Corrected minor malfunction when Load spectrum from file functon was selected
7. Added links to the Video Tutorials and to the Discussion Forum both in the menu and in the toolbar
8. Minor updates to Help System (including its Bibliography chapter)
New features
1. Introduced ‘Projects’, so that matching with/of a set of records can be paused and then resumed later
2. Increased the maximum allowed number of acccelerogram data points to 2^18, i.e. 262144 points (warning however that trying to do spectrum matching on very long accelerograms (e.g. with more than 10000 data points) may lead to memory consumption problems, i.e. ‘out-of-memory’ and ‘range check’ error messages)
3. Improved memory management, to reduce memory consumption and thus facilitate spectrum-matching of long accelerograms
4. Enabled the visualisation of Ground Motion Parameters for both original and matched records
5. Introduced the possibility of using comma as decimal separator
6. Created a user defined default directory for input accelerograms (as well as one for saving data)
7. Introduced in the General Settings the possibility of disabling background shading of plots (useful for printing purposes)
Other minor updates
1. Default decimal places changed to 5 (amongst other things, to facilitate reproduction of results when reopening and reprocessing saved records)
2. Removed the automatic halving of accelerogram time step when less than 3000 data points were used (analyses remain stable and confusion is avoided)
3. Eliminated use of temporary files in calculations (all data is stored in memory now), so as to render matching process faster (and also avoid ‘I/O error 32’ errors when analysis stops due to lack of memory)
4. Locked data copying and saving for unregistered users
Minor bug fixes
1. Corrected ‘range check error’ when uploading very long accelerograms
2. EC8 spectrum was being wrongly computed for soil classes different from class A
3. A spurious line was appearing when copying&pasting a matched record with a number of points smaller than a previously copied&pasted one
4. Last value of a loaded custom target spectrum was not being read
5. Fixed non user-friendly error messages when loading files with errors
6. When the maximum value of a matched acceleration was negative, the matched response spectrum was ignoring it
7. Corrected several problems in the ‘Save Acceleration Time-histories’ module
8. When copying&pasting a table of values, the corresponding labels were not being copied as well
9. Project file now retains also the user-defined matching setting
1. Pop-up advice to users on what to do when academic license email cannot be sent
2. Avoid false virus warnings (mainly Nod32), and incompatibilities with background monitoring software DeepFreeze
3. Updated Help System to note that ‘Total Duration’ is used in the calculations of a number of ground motion parameters and also to clarify criteria employed in the computation of SMA and SMV
4. Introduced Housner Intensity in the ‘Ground Motion Parameters’ module
5. Changed slightly the order in which ground motion parameters are output (to render it consistent with SeismoSignal)
6. Changed default viscous damping value to 5%
7. When reading an input file, consecutive values separated only by a “-” sign are now adequately recognised
8. Corrected bug that was causing a ‘Range Check Error’ whenever a user would try to load a target response spectrum that featured spectral ordinates higher than 4 seconds, without having changed the maximum period in the settings
9. Corrected bug that was preventing saved files to respect the number of decimal places defined by the user
10. Corrected minor bug in the definition of maximum and minimum values for the vertical axis of time-history plots
11. Corrected miscelaneous bugs leading to ‘Invalid Floating Point’ and ‘Range Check’ errors
12. Corrected bug that was causing the program to always consider the default viscous damping value, as opposed to its user-defined counterpart, when carrying out the matching
13. Corrected bug in the computation of mean matched spectrum
Corrected bug that was preventing the employment of the response spectrum of one of the loaded accelerograms as target spectrum.
Corrected bug that was preventing the loading of custom target response spectra from a file. Minor updates to the registration and licensing modules.
SeismoMatch has been programmed from scratch, and in its entirety, at Seismosoft, using the Delphi Pascal Integrated Development Environment.