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Product Updates

Below, please find an overview of the improvements and new features introduced in SeismoArtif over the years; do familiarise yourself in particular with those introduced in this latest release.

  • New feature to export the spectra of the generated time-histories to a text file
  • Minor bug fixes

Support for the UBC 1997 and the National Building Code of Canada (2015) code-based spectra

Minor bug fixes

New features

1. Support for ASCE 7-16 response spectrum

2. National Annexes of Eurocode available in the definition of the Eurocode 8 spectra

3. Support for the ESM format for opening accelerograms

New features

Support for the Korean, Romanian and Australian Code Based Spectra.

Bug fixes

Some minor bug fixes.

New features

  1. Support for 26 Code Based Spectra including the spectrum of Eurocode 8, ASCE 41 13 and other Regulations worldwide
  2. Support for the .eq files output by the SHAKE software for opening accelerograms

New features

1. Connection to the most well-known on-line earthquake record databases

2. Support for the SMC and the PEER NGA formats for opening accelerograms

3. Easier opening of the record files with automatic detection of the end of file

4. Ability to save and load the plot settings in the post-processor plots, which makes very easy the exportation of the format of one graph to the others

Bug fixes

Several minor bug fixes.

New features

1. Introduced the possibility of saving different envelopes (user-defined, accelerogram-derived, function-derived), so that they may all then be used in a given analysis

2. User envelopes selection is kept even after the characteristics/properties of the latter are changed (previously, a reset back to the default option always took place)

3. Introduced the possibility of applying a “scale factor” to the target spectrum

4. Changed baseline correction algorithm to that employed also in SeismoSignal and SeismoSpect

5. Allowed the generation of up to 8 accelerograms (7 is the default selection)

6. Enforced strict respect of user-defined upper and lower values of frequency content for generated accelerograms (previously, the minimum frequency of interested was defined as half the value prescribed by the user, whilst the maximum frequency of interest was defined as double the value prescribed by the user)

7. Introduced Random Process Starter for all four generation methods (previously this was available only for methods ‘Artificial Accelerogram Generation’ and ‘Adjustment and Artificial Accelerogram Generation’)

8. Arias intensity, significant duration (A5-95) and CAV are now displayed in addition to PGA, PGV and PGD of the resulting artificial accelerogram

9. List with ground parameters for every artificial signal and overall statistics (considering also only “converged accelerograms”)

Minor udpates and bug corrections

1. Corrected bug that was causing a problem using the combination of method ‘Artificial Accelerogram Generation & Adjustment’ and ‘compound envelope’

2. Corrected bug leading to the ‘Floating point division by zero’ error message, shown in case of combination of ‘User-defined target spectrum’ and ‘Artificial Accelerogram Generation’ method

3. Corrected error in the resampling of accelerograms generated for a time-step different from 0.01 sec

4. Corrected bug that was causing the program to always consider the units of ‘g’ when reading the user-defined target spectrum file

5. Ensured that the green progress bar remains visible even after the window is resized

6. Added links to the Video Tutorials and to the Discussion Forum both in the menu and in the toolbar

7. Updates to Help System (including its Bibliography chapter)

SeismoArtif has been programmed from scratch, and in its entirety, at Seismosoft, using the Delphi Pascal Integrated Development Environment.