SeismoBuild – Structural Assessment and Strengthening
SeismoBuild is an innovative Finite Element package wholly and exclusively dedicated to seismic assessment and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures that is targeted to the design office. It is the only civil engineering software worldwide that is totally committed to structural assessment and retrofitting.
FRP Designer – Compute the strength of reinforced concrete members strengthened with FRP laminates
FRP Designer provides an efficient solution for designing FRP strengthening of reinforced concrete columns and beams by computing the strength of reinforced concrete members strengthened with FRP laminates.
SeismoSignal – Earthquake Software for Signal Processing of Strong-Motion data
SeismoSignal constitutes an easy and efficient way for signal processing of strong-motion data, featuring a user-friendly visual interface and being capable of deriving a number of strong-motion parameters often required by engineer seismologists and earthquake engineers.
SeismoSignal 3D – Strong-Motion Data Processing in 2 or 3 Dimensions
SeismoSignal 3D constitutes an easy and efficient way to process strong-motion data in 2 (X+Y) or 3 (X+Y+Z) dimensions, featuring a user-friendly visual interface and the capability of deriving a number of strong-motion parameters often required by engineer seismologists and earthquake engineers.
SeismoMatch – Earthquake Software for Response Spectrum Matching
SeismoMatch is an application capable of adjusting earthquake accelerograms to match a specific target response spectrum, using the wavelets algorithm proposed by Abrahamson [1992] and Hancock et al. [2006] or the algorithm proposed by Al Atik and Abrahamson [2010].