Scaling of Target Spectrum

04-Future developments & requests
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Scaling of Target Spectrum

Post by huffte »

When adjusting a real accelerogram to a target spectrum, it would be very convenient for users if one could apply a scale factor to the target.

This will prove useful if, for example, one wishes to match one component of a record pair to 1.30 times the target, and the second component to 0.77 times the target to preserve relative amplitudes of the two components.

As it is now, one would have to create separate targets for each component, each time specifying the same file but adjusting the scale factor used at the time of reading of the target.

Thanks very much. The program works great.
Tim Huff
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Re: Scaling of Target Spectrum

Post by seismosoft »

Thanks for the suggestion, Huffte.

We will soon start working on an updated version of SeismoArtif, and may indeed consider this request of yours.

Thanks again,

Seismosoft Support
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Re: Scaling of Target Spectrum

Post by shreejisteelcorp »

It's clear that user convenience is a priority here. Allowing scale factors to be applied to the target spectrum would greatly enhance the usability of the accelerogram adjustment process.

The suggestion to use scale factors to maintain relative amplitudes between different components of a record pair is insightful. This is crucial for accurate analysis and reflects a deep understanding of the nuances in seismic data processing.
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