More GM parameters desired

04-Future developments & requests
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More GM parameters desired

Post by mwoods »

Wow, what a great program; thanks for making it available to the world. I know this is not SeismoSignal or SeismoSpect, but in future versions would you consider adding a couple more useful ground motion parameters to be displayed? For example, in addition to PGA, PGV and PGD of the resulting artificial accelerograms, could you also display Arias intensity, significant duration (A5-95), and CAV? In my office, in addition to spectral response we use Arias intensity as a target and we also try to approximately match A5-95. I know that I can copy the artificial accelerogram to SeismoSignal to get those values, but it would be convenient to have them right there in SeismoArtif. Thank you!
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Re: More GM parameters desired

Post by seismosoft »

Thanks for the kind feedback.

We hope to release a new version in the near future, following additional comments/requests from other users, and will certainly now be assessing the feasibility of considering your suggestions as well.

Thanks again,

Seismosoft Support
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