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vertical component of synthetic accelerograms

Posted: 16 Nov 2023, 17:23
by aucofra
Hello everyone.

Is it possible to generate the vertical component of synthetic accelerograms with Seismoartif?

Thank you

Re: vertical component of synthetic accelerograms

Posted: 16 Nov 2023, 18:49
by aucofra
Excuse me.
Obviously I meant the vertical synthetic component of a seismic event.

Re: vertical component of synthetic accelerograms

Posted: 18 Nov 2023, 22:39
by huffte
As long as the defined target response spectrum is a vertical component response spectrum, there is no reason that SeismoArtif wouldn't work very well. So the key will be coming up with the appropriate vertical target spectrum. In the past, vertical spectra were taken to be 2/3 of the horizontal geometric mean spectrum. That may be still applicable, but you will likely need to study you own unique conditions to determine an appropriate vertical spectrum. Best of luck.

Re: vertical component of synthetic accelerograms

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 14:01
by aucofra
"As long as the defined target response spectrum is a vertical component response spectrum, there is no reason that SeismoArtif wouldn't work very well."

That's what I thought too... but I wanted to have confirmation.

Thank you so much