Load Multiple skips alternate row

03-Unexpected behaviour/errors
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Load Multiple skips alternate row

Post by deepakrpant »


When I try to load a file using the 'Load Multiple' option, it skips alternate rows of the file. The data file contains time data (dt = 0.005 s) in column 1 and acceleration data in column 2. However, when loaded it shows data for dt = 0.01 s, with correct corresponding values.

Seems that the default time step is 0.01 s....

What could be the reason?

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Re: Load Multiple skips alternate row

Post by seismosoft »

Dear deepakrpant,

You are correct, there does seem to be a bug in the software, which we will address in the forthcoming release of the program.

Thank you for bringing this matter up to our attention.

Seismosoft Support
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