Graph Options

04-Future developments & requests
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Graph Options

Post by mwoods »

The graphics engine used by SeismoSpect/Signal/Match is quite extensive and flexible, with tons of optional settings. But there is virtually no documentation for all those settings. Many are fairly self evident, but many more are not. Is there any possibility that SeismoSoft will produce a user document for the many graphics options?

Of more immediate need, is there any way to modify some of the default graphics settings? For example, I'm not a fan of the shading gradient that is applied to all plots by default. Whenever I do turn off the gradient (un-check "visible"), I get just what I want, but the next time I start up the program, we're back to the gradients again. Is there some way to make my graphic options stick?

Thanks for these wonderful programs, by the way!

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Re: Graph Options

Post by seismosoft »

Marvin, thanks for the kind words.

The possibility of changing the default graph/plotting options is something that we will indeed introduce in the next releases of all our programs.

For what concerns manual/instructions on the plotting options, we will also take this suggestion into account, though not sure if already in the next release.

Thanks again,

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Re: Graph Options

Post by seismosoft »

Dear Marvin,

Introducing the possibility of users saving customised plotting settings is proving to be a task harder than we had anticipated.

We appreciate that this is a feature that will significantly increase the usability of our software, and this continue to be committed to implement it, but unfortunately it is likely that we will manage to do so only in a release later this year (as opposed to the forthcoming release of this month).

Seismosoft Support
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