
02-Getting started with the modelling
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Post by Dojcin »

I use a building modeler to create an 8 floor structure - Dual system. When I create floors I put  loads for permanent load G', live load Q and snow S. Also when I create beams I put additional permanent loads from infill loads G'. (should these values be with minus sign or automatically the softver put in direction Z?)My question is does these loads from the floors and from the beams be included when I make eigenvalues analysis and take into account the mass? Why and where can I see these loads in seismostruct because there is no load in PART - applied load except nodal loads but in element load is empty?
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Re: Loads

Post by z.gronti »

Dear Dojcin,

You do not have to assign the additional permanent load applied to the beams within the Building Modeller with the minus sign. The program automatically takes the positive value of the additional beam load to the -Z direction. The slab loads distributed to the supported beams and the additional beam loads assigned within the Building Modeller are applied as additional mass to the beams' element classes. Hence, they are visible in the Element Classes tab of SeismoStruct.
Zoi Gronti
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Re: Loads

Post by ESTRUCTO »


I have modeled 6 floor 2D concrete frame, and I have to execute an Adaptative Pushover. I have assigned the Dead Loads and Live Loads as ELEMENT LOADS, but when the RUN start, the program is not recongnizing this loads and an error message appears. There is no LF factor (0.00), LF increment (0.00) and all iterations displays DIVERGE. I have modeled the same structure but only with 3 levels with the same data, and runs perfectly. I do not know what could be happen with the 6 floor model. ¿Can someone help me with this problem?

Thanks a lot. Best regards.
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Re: Loads

Post by ESTRUCTO »


I have modeled 6 floor 2D concrete frame, and I have to execute an Adaptative Pushover. I have assigned the Dead Loads and Live Loads as ELEMENT LOADS, but when the RUN start, the program is not recongnizing this loads and an error message appears. There is no LF factor (0.00), LF increment (0.00) and all iterations displays DIVERGE. I use a 12 floor model and delete 6 levels. I do not know if the file is corrupted doing this, maybe some data of this 6 erased floors is in anyplace in the seismostruct file ¿Can someone help me with this problem?

Thanks a lot. Best regards.
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Re: Loads

Post by z.gronti »


I think that you should first pay attention to the error message you receive, because this message will probably show you the problem in your model.
Zoi Gronti
Seismosoft Srl.
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Re: Loads

Post by ESTRUCTO »

Dear Zoi, the information below is the error message:

Estimated size of output file: 3971 kB

Permanent Loading

LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:128 => Prd_Ite)
LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:128 => Diverge)
LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:131 => Prd_Ite)
LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:128 => Diverge)
LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:131 => Diverge)
LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:129 => Diverge)
LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:128 => Diverge)
LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:129 => Diverge)
LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:128 => Diverge)
LF= 0.00000, LF_incr= (Iter:128 => Diverge)
Unable to apply the entire permanent load. Analysis terminated
Total Analysis Time: 0h:0min:17sec

The permanent load appears on all the beams correctly.

Thanks a lot.
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