Academic license

05-Referencing and license issues
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Academic license

Post by fersalto »

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have tried to register with my email from University of Surrey and I haven't received any email yet. I have sent two emails to the email, and I haven't been replied yet. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I would like to ask you if you could help me. I have been waiting two weeks, so I guess it's enough time to think that something is not going well.

My email is form University of Surrey (UK) I'm doing a Msc Structural Engineering.

Many thanks for your help,


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Re: Academic license

Post by z.gronti »

Dear Fernando,

The Seismosoft Licensing Team has received your request email on 11/04/2016, hence you will receive your academic license key soon.
We would also like to kindly remind you the message that appears when you send your request which informs you that you will receive your academic license key within 48 hours provided that you possess valid information, this might take a little bit longer when a weekend intervenes.
Zoi Gronti
Seismosoft Srl.
Md. Rabiul Islam
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Re: Academic license

Post by Md. Rabiul Islam »

Assalamualaikum Sir,
I'm a student of BSc in Civil Engineering at Military Institute of Science & Technology(MIST). I have badly needed Siesmostruct Software for my research.
But I have no academic E-mail. In MIST I use ( this E-mail for my academic purpose. I've already send a academic license request at ( .
What can I do now?

Md. Rabiul Islam
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Re: Academic license

Post by z.gronti »

Dear Md. Rabiul Islam,

The Licensing Team will guide you on how you can get an academic license key without academic email address.
Zoi Gronti
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Re: Academic license

Post by Partha »

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have tried to register with my email from National Institute Of Technology Agartala and I haven't received any email yet. I have sent two emails to the email, and I haven't been replied yet. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I would like to ask you if you could help me. Actually it is very urgent to me. I will be very much grateful if i get any reply soon.
My email is form NIT Agartala (INDIA) I'm doing M tech in Structural Engineering.

Many thanks for your help,


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Re: Academic license

Post by seismosoft »

Hello Partha,

We checked our emails and we have not received any academic license request from you before 2/6/2018 (when you sent the current post). Maybe the request could not go through the firewall of your university? (it happens frequently, and it is related to security settings of the network of the user). We received 3 emails from you only today, and in general takes us 1 or 2 working days to respond to such requests.
Note also that, due to the upcoming publication of the new versions of all our packages (on Wednesday 6/6/2018), we have suspended issuing new licenses for the v2016 releases, and we will only be able to issue new licenses from Thursday 7/6 (for the new v2018 versions). However, since you seem to need urgently the license, we have made an exception and we will send you the license for v2016, as soon as possible.

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Re: Academic license

Post by bala »

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have used the “Obtain Academic License” option with my academic email and I haven't been replied yet. Is anything wrong with my account?

Thank you,
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Re: Academic license

Post by z.gronti »

Dear Bala,

The Seismosoft Licensing team has respond to your request but they received a mail delivery failure message. The Seismosoft Licensing team should have found way to contact you.
Zoi Gronti
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Re: Academic license

Post by Nisha1717 »

Dear sir,
Greeting a day
My self-Nisha Sonawala from India
I am studying MTech structure engineering from Sarvajanik Collage of Engineering & Technology.
An applied academic license 10/10/2022 but no replay.
Please sir tell me, where was the mistake in filling my form?

Again, repeat today fill-up the academic form and before many times fill-up form but no answer me.

Thank You.
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Re: Academic license

Post by z.gronti »

Dear Nisha1717 ,

The Seismosoft Licensing team has respond to your request but they received a mail delivery failure message. The Seismosoft Licensing team should have found way to contact you.
Zoi Gronti
Seismosoft Srl.
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