Updating Model changes

03-Unexpected behaviour/errors
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Updating Model changes

Post by Gidewon »

Dear Sir,

I am using the Academic license of Seismostruct. I have recently installed the 2020 version and I am encountering problems in updating properties in the model. I use the self-weight to represent floor masses and when I change the specific weight of the material and re-run the modal analysis. The eigenvalues are not updated; instead, previous analysis results are displayed. I tried deleting the .srf, .log and .cnv output files but the problem persists.
Could you please check this bug and give me feedback asap.

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Re: Updating Model changes

Post by z.gronti »

Dear Gidewon,

I checked the SeismoStruct v2020 and I couldn't reproduce the reported error. Have you selected the Define Mass from "From Frame Elements (specific weight and additional section mass), and Mass Elements (lmass and dmass)" option in the Gravity and Mass tab of the Project Settings?
If you have selected this option and you keep receiving the reported error, could you please send me the two projects at z.gronti@seismosoft.com?
Zoi Gronti
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Re: Updating Model changes

Post by Gidewon »

Dear Gronti,

I have already checked the mass source appropriately, it was not the issue.
Later, I disabled the save logfile option in the analysis section and it started working properly. Don't know why?
But, regarding the bug, I was running so many analyses at the same time, switching among modal, pushover and time-history, I suspect that could be the reason. I was designing a model for my experiment.

Anyways, thank you for your advice.
Until next time!
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Re: Updating Model changes

Post by seismosoft »

First, the structural mass cannot be related to the logfile.
Secondly, can it be that you are using elastic frame elements. When the element class is defined for the elastic frame element, the mass is calculated,
and introduced in the element class. However, if the specific weight of the material is updated, the mass of the element class is not updated, because the materials of the section are not stored in the elastic element data.

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