Spectrum frequencies

04-Future developments & requests
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Spectrum frequencies

Post by eero-matti »

Currently the accelerations of the spectrum etc. are defined and evaluated at the frequencies which are spaced linearly over preferred period range. ASCE 43-05 2.4 (b) (which is quoted in ASCE 4-16 as well) requires:

"Spectral accelerations ... shall be computed at minimum of 100 points per frequency decade, uniformly spaced over the log frequency scale from 0.1 Hz to 50 Hz or the Nyquist frequency."

I would appreciate if the spectral accelerations could be defined according to this requirement in order to improve accuracy at high frequencies.
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Re: Spectrum frequencies

Post by seismosoft »

Thank you for your suggestion.
We will consider it for inclusion in the new features' list of the new release of the program.

Seismosoft Support
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